The Veil Read online

Page 31

  My thoughts slipped back to my first Mind Merge with Sage Faru, back when I’d met him in the temple after I’d had my Awakening. I remembered the moment when he had taken me through the Veil, when I’d witnessed the hulking structure in the distance – its many twisted towers stretching high into the bruised sky. That was Vangarr I saw then, I’m sure of it. “How do we get to it?” I asked.

  The Highwarden gave a humourless laugh. “You don’t. Well, that is the idea anyway. Trying to access this city is quite simply impossible from the front – it is well fortified, with an army blockading the front as well as a high-powered weaponry system called the Fist of Hades, which lacks the finesse and range of the Needle but is nevertheless devastating in its effect. Anyone trying to approach without permission would be turned to dust before they got within a thousand feet – and that includes even you.”

  He raised a finger. “However, I have been looking into this defense system for some time, and I believe there might be a way to gain access to the city. Vangarr connects to the Bloodsand Deserts to the west – a vast section of inhospitable land filled with numerous Fera, most of which are hostile. If you were to take a boat and sail around the west – which would be difficult in itself – you would reach Concavious, the Sunken Freeport here.” He dragged his finger around the leftmost of the water section of the map, stopping on a dark patch halfway up, which turned into a shimmering structure hidden under the water like an iceberg. “Concavious is the last melting pot of classes left in Pandemonia, and a city where almost everything is for sale or hire. For the right price, there will be mercenaries who could provide you with a navel escort to help a ship, which I will provide you with, traverse the pirating waters and reach Yornheim.”

  He carried on, moving his finger up the map and stopping on the left tip of the horseshoe landmass. “Once you reach land, you can travel by Unicorn the hundred miles to reach Shinroba. This is the second most powerful Luminar city after Fenodara. Due to it being well inside Umbra territory it was once subject to constant attacks, but more recently, disruptions in the Pandemonian atmosphere have caused vicious sandstorms to surround the city, making it an undesirable place for the Umbra to try and reach, allowing it to grow in strength once again.” He sighed. “Not that they will be able to defend themselves against the impending full-scale invasion. Anyway, if you can survive all of this and reach the city, that is where you will find your Chosen allies who escaped Abyss, the colosseum located to the north of Shinroba and the closest to us. There it is up to you to try and recruit them to follow you through the desert itself, which I believe was something that the Council of Elders suggested to you during your Mind Merge, did they not?”

  I nodded. “They did.”

  “Then if you are able to convince them to return to the very place they escaped from, you can try and take the Abyss, to see if your friends are there.”

  Something tells me that isn’t going to be an easy task.

  “Is the Abyss easier to infiltrate than the Fortress City?” asked Danny, inadvertently airing my concern. He was pointing down at a part of the map that had shifted to show a huge, circular structure, complete with spiked turrets and a large canyon surrounding it.

  “Yes, but not by a great deal. It will depend on your numbers and your skill.” Aegis looked up at us. “I will be honest with you. No one has ever managed to get from the outside in.”


  He paused for a moment, letting the information sink in. “Still, if by some miracle you achieve all this, then you can travel with those you free eastward into the Narrow Pass, which stretches across the Bay of Teeth – a treacherous route that is far too difficult for a large army to pass through on foot, but possible for smaller numbers. If you are lucky, from there you could sneak across and head for Shadowrise Colosseum and break out those held within to grow your forces and better your chances of survival. It will be tough going as Hades’s armies have been deployed and are marching through the desert as we speak, and I cannot guarantee that you will not encounter them on the way. However, our scouts have reported that the highest concentration of forces are located here.” He pressed a finger back down on the bridge and took a deep breath. “It seems that their main concern is to break through the front lines and perform a huge scale invasion of Idisa. They are not expecting a return invasion from the western side…where the Fist of Hades has a blind spot and thus where Vangarr is at its weakest. This is how you might be able to gain access to the city.”

  “How long would it take to sail around to Yornheim?”

  “With one of our faster battleships, three days,” said Aegis, folding his hands behind his back.

  “Three days? But that’s almost half the time I have left before that crazy bitch said she would execute everyone she kidnapped!”

  “That is simply the way it is I’m afraid. I cannot provide you with a Skyjet or Skyship as the Fist of Hades would tear it from the sky before you even got close.”

  I swept a hand through my hair in frustration. “Where is the third colosseum?”

  Aegis pointed down to the other side of the map. “It is on a vast continent island known as the Blood Isle Province. It is not a welcoming place at all, most of it home to hostile and crude places such as Henroda – the Skinshifter Mountains, which you would likely need to pass though. Not to mention that to even get to the island you must first traverse the Darklands far to the west, past the Scorched Knight’s Citadel of Blackened Bones and across a short sea first.”

  I slammed a hand down on the table, making the display crackle and distort. “Dammit! We’ll never have time to go in both directions. I’m never going to be able to reach each colosseum in time.”

  Aegis nodded. “You are right. And that is part of The Scorched Knight’s game. To try to go to each colosseum in succession is a fool’s errand, you would never make it in time – she wants you to gamble and choose. However, there is a way.”

  I snapped my head up. “How?”

  “Split up.”

  His words felt like a physical blow. “You mean break the rest of Orion apart?”

  He nodded. “That is the only way you will have a chance of reaching all three colosseums before your deadline is up.”

  “I won’t put more of my friends at risk.”

  “By even being in this world you have already put them in risk.”

  I glanced around at the members of Orion. What if one of them is the traitor? If that really is the case, then I won’t be able to do anything if they end up with the other group. I won’t be able to protect them.

  I shook my head. “No, I won’t do it.”

  “That isn’t your decision to make Alex,” said Scarlett. “I am second in command of Orion, and with Gabriella missing, that makes me acting Huntmaster.” I stared at her incredulously as she stepped forward and pointed to the eastern side of the map. The Bloodling turned to face the Highwarden. “So let’s say for arguments sake that we did decide to split up, and some of us went for this third colosseum located on the Blood Isle Province.”

  “The Glacium,” added Aegis.

  “The Glacium. How would we reach it?”

  “The journey would start down here on Idisa,” said the Highwarden, pointing down at a thin vein that webbed out across the continent. “This is Death’s Backbone.”

  “Sounds delightful,” said Hollie folding her arms.

  “It is worse in name than in reality. It is merely an old Lightshuttle system that was once used as a trade line to carry supplies back and forth between the continents long ago when the Umbra and the Luminar were still allies. It is ancient and I can’t guarantee it still works properly, or even that the various sections of track are still in place…but Fae magic imbued technology is strong, so there is a chance.”

  “And if the old shuttle ain’t workin’ we can just follow the tracks as guidelines,” said Delagio, shifting his hat as he stared down at the map.

  “Exactly,” said Aegis. “Following the eastm
ost path would take you all the way to the point where the land hits the shoreline.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” said Sophia quietly, stroking a finger under a rattlesnake Midnight’s chin.

  “Unfortunately it will be far from easy. As I’m sure you are aware, the Darklands are home to Vampires, many of whom have taken humans through the Veil and nested them. They are half-starved and blood crazed, and will see the non-vampire among you as well needed sustenance, and the rest as threats. Beyond this, you have the Citadel of Blackened Bones. If Lilith or her Quiet Ones are present when you pass it, then you will be in serious trouble. However, if you were able to get all the way through unimpeded then you would reach the Forest of Elemental Light.”

  Aran had been standing silently by the wall at the edge of the room, but when the words were spoken she moved from her position, moving over to the table. “The Forrest of Elemental Light is a settlement of the Asharani Urisk species,” she said.

  “It is indeed,” said Aegis. “In fact it is the only Urisk settlement remaining. Normally I would say that it would be pointless to travel there. The Urisks’ lack of desire to be involved in the Ageless War is matched only by their lack of desire to help those who are not one of their own.” He gestured at Aran. “However, if you bring this one with you, you might be able to gain support from other Urisks to help pass through the forest and reach the Iron City, which was annexed and is now being rebuilt by the Umbra after The Sorrow and its followers razed it. From there you might be able to steal Umbra boats to travel to the Blood Isle Province. You would travel through the mountain pass – trying to avoid Henroda of course – and then you would be at the Glacium. All that said, as much as I admire Aranvai Valdenia’s desire to fight, she also abandoned her species. Urisks don’t readily show their emotions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have them. They might be even less inclined to help you if she is there too. It will be a gamble to say the least.”

  Aran looked directly at the Highwarden. “The Urisk species find the futility and illogical repetition of war a confusing anomaly. However, the Urisk do hold the ability to determine actions based on elements of compassion. If Aran visits the Asharani leaders and converses with them it is likely that support will follow.”

  The Highwarden gestured a hand at her. “Well there you have it. That might help solve that particular hurdle. However, you still have all the other issues to deal with.”

  “Tell us what we do from there,” said Scarlett. “How would we rejoin the others to attack Vangarr?”

  “If and this is a big if, you manage to break in and somehow free the prisoners of the Glacium, you could use them to help you take over the whole colosseum and force the Pitguards – as all colosseum guards are known – to give you the use of their airborne vessels. That way you will be able to fly across the Chaos plains and into Vangarr undetected. Although, of course, one of you would need to know how to fly an Umbra Skyship.”

  “That’s where I come in then,” said Iralia.

  We all looked over at her stunned, and she gave a wink. “I keep telling you all not to underestimate me!”

  Aegis gave an impressed nod. “At that point what you do is up to you. You would be well behind enemy lines.”

  “We could use the Biomotes to communicate with each other, right?” said Mikey.

  Aegis shook his head. “Not in their current state no. However, if you give them to me I can have my technicians work on them and improve their range to be worldwide. I can also have them add other features to help you on your journey.”

  The room fell silent for a while. Everyone stared down at the electronic map, no doubt thinking the same thing. This is practically impossible; an almost infinite number of things can go wrong. I looked at the vast mass of land and water that would need to be covered before we were even close to rescuing Gabriella, Grey and Troy, and a sinking feeling hit my stomach. It’s so far…but I have to do it. If Lilith is telling the truth and they are still alive, then I won’t abandon them. Not to mention my father, who might still be in one of those colosseums. I scanned my eyes over the map. We’ll have to take the gamble and go for the left route. Splitting apart will make what is practically an impossible task even harder. I won’t allow some of the team to travel towards their deaths. Not to mention the fact that one of them could be the traitor…as much as I don’t want to admit it.

  “I’ll take the journey to the Blood Isle Province,” said Scarlett suddenly, shattering the silence. I stared over at her.

  “I’ll go too,” said Mikey a second later.

  “The hell you will!” I shouted.

  “Like Scarlett said that isn’t your decision to make,” my brother replied.

  “Do you know how dangerous this is going to be? This isn’t a game Mikey!” I could feel the emotion bubbling below the surface, trying to break through. My heart was hammering away in my chest. The thought of him travelling in an opposite direction to me, into unknown danger was enough to make me feel physically sick. “I want you at my side, where I can help keep you safe.”

  He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, lowering his voice. “I know Alex. Since all this started, all you’ve done is try and keep me safe. And I know that you still feel that what happened to me was your fault. I don’t blame you, and I never will – you weren’t yourself when you made that call to the SOS, but it still happened. I was bitten and now I’m a Vampire. And as much as you try and protect me, that is never going to change. But you need to start trusting in my capabilities, I’ve been trained by the Rebirth Clinic. Sure, I don’t have as much field experience as you all, but then nor do Danny or Hollie. I know how to handle myself.” He gave a classic Mikey grin. “I always have.”

  Tears brimmed in the corners of my eyes. “But I don’t understand. Why can’t you just come with me?”

  “Would you be happy for Gabriella to travel across Pandemonia without you?”

  I swallowed. “No.”

  “Then you understand why I have to go with Scarlett.”

  I went to say something else, but there were no words. I couldn’t announce my fears about the slim potential of there being a mole in our group, Aegis would have us gathered into chains and dumped into the White Keep until long after the deadline was up. There’s nothing I can do.

  Mikey gave my shoulder a final squeeze and then went to stand next to Scarlett. I tried to swallow my emotions. It felt like I was being carved apart – vital parts of me being removed one slice at a time. It was a feeling that had started the day my father had disappeared, even though I hadn’t realised it until I was much older. My father, Mum, John, Midnight, Grey and Troy, Gabriella…and now Mikey. I was incomplete, and the more people who were being removed from my life, the more hollow I was becoming. I pressed my knuckles down against the table for support, and let my head hang low. “If they are going to go, then they will need help,” I said in a despondent voice. “Who else is going to join them?”

  “They need me to fly a Skyship, so I’ll go,” said Iralia.

  I gave a slow nod.

  “Aran will be required to gain entry into the Asharani Urisk territory and request support. Therefore, it is necessary that Aran join the mission to the Blood Isle Province.”

  I gave another nod.

  “I’ll go too,” offered Sophia.

  I snapped my head up and looked at the Witch. “You want to go as well?” I could practically feel my heart breaking inside my chest.

  Sophia gave a wan smile. “You are powerful enough for fifty of us, Alex. You don’t need me at your side. Scarlett and the others are going to need all the help they can get. Midnight and my magic will help.” Sophia went to stand next to Scarlett, Mikey, Iralia and Aran on one side of the room. Scarlett gave her a smile and she nodded in response.

  I looked up at Delagio. “What do you want to do?”

  The Kinesist gave a lopsided grin. “I’m with you bud.”

  “I am too,” said Danny.

ke that three,” said Hollie.

  I looked up at Scarlett. It was as if a physical divide had appeared in the room, as if I was already saying goodbye to yet more people I cared about. “You don’t have to do this,” I said weakly.

  “Yes we do,” said Scarlett. “You know it’s our only real shot. But don’t forget, we are all after the same thing. We’re doing this for you, Ella, Grey and troy. We are doing this for Orion.”

  I nodded as tears threatened to spill. “I know,” I whispered.

  “And if your father is in the Glacium, then we’ll find him and we’ll get him out,” added Mikey.

  His words sent the tears spilling down my cheeks. “Thank you.”

  “Then it appears you have decided,” said Aegis. “We will get your Unicorns ready for your departure as well as some Lightwardens, supplies and anything else we can spare to help you.” He shook his head. “This is going to be an incredibly difficult task, and I doubt you will be successful. That is the simple, harsh truth of it. However, I admire your determination and as such I will make you a guarantee. If you do this…if you manage to free those in the colosseums and reach Vangarr, and disable the Fist of Hades for us, then I will send word to every Luminar city to send all available air forces to support you. We will unleash a fury the likes of which the Umbra have never seen. Then once the tyranny of Hades is over, we will bring you home so that you can re-enter the Veil when it is opened.” He stood up straight. “This mission is a desperate long shot Guardians, but if you somehow manage to kill Hades and allow us access to Vangarr, then you could well stop the Ageless War.”

  “No pressure then,” said Danny, and a patter of nervous laughter rang around the room.

  “I will set everything in motion,” said Aegis and then took a deep breath. “Guardians I will ask you this once, and once only. After you set out, there can be no turning back until your mission is done; this world is far too dangerous to allow that. You will succeed or you will die. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I looked around the room and caught the gaze of those who had become my second family. People I cared about, people I would die for, divided by the evil deeds of Hades and his followers. People who would likely not survive this journey. I looked back at Aegis and held his gaze.